Prof. Seffi Naor

Department of Computer Science, Technion
Office: Taub 630
Phone: +972 (4) 829-4328
Academic Degrees
- 1987: Ph.D., Computer Science Dept, Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel.
Advisor: Prof. Eli Shamir
Thesis: Algorithms in Parallel and Distributed Systems - 1983: M.Sc., Computer Science Dept, Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel.
Advisor: Prof. Shmuel Peleg
Thesis: The Applications of Fractals in Texture Analysis. - 1981: B.A. (cum laude), Computer Science Dept., Technion Haifa 32000, Israel.
Academic Appointments
- 1991 – present
Professor, Computer Science Dept., Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel. -
2005 – 2007
Visiting Researcher, Theory Group, Microsoft Research, Redmond 98052, WA. - 1998 – 2000
Member of the Technical Staff, Bell labs, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill 07974, NJ. - 1988 – 1991
Post-doctoral Fellow, Computer Science Dept., Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. - 1987 – 1988
Post-doctoral Fellow, Computer Science Dept., University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089. -
1981 – 1987
Teaching Assistant, Computer Science Department, Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel.
- Algorithms 1, Algorithms 2, Approximation Algorithms, Advanced Algorithms.
Graduate Students – M.Sc.
- Yael Abarbanel, graduated in 1993. Thesis: Dynamic Graph Algorithms.
- Boaz Tamir, graduated in 1994. Thesis: k-Connected Graph Partitions and Approximation Algorithms for Covering Problems.
- Ari Freund, graduated in 1998. Thesis: On-line Assignment with Load Balancing.
- Liane Lewin-Eytan, graduated in 2001 (joint with Ariel Orda). Thesis: Routing and Admission Control in Networks with Advance Reservations.
- Roy Schwartz, graduated in 2003. Thesis: Circular Arrangements.
- Shimon Landa, graduated in 2005. Thesis: Combinatorial Approximation Algorithms for the Fractional Set-Cover Problem.
Graduate Students – Ph.D.
- Leonid Zosin, graduated in 1997. Thesis: Relaxed Multi-Commodity Flow and its Applications to the Design of Approximation Algorithms.
- Yigal Bejerano, graduated in 2000 (chief advisor: Israel Cidon). Thesis: Efficient Mobility Management Schemes For Personal Communication Systems.
- Anna Moss, graduated in 2001 (joint with Yuval Rabani). Thesis: High Profit for Low Cost: Approximation Algorithms in Node-Weighted Graphs.
- Ari Freund, graduated in 2002. Thesis: On-line and Off-line Approximation Algorithms for Various Resource Allocation and Scheduling Problems and for the Multiway Cut Problem.
- Julia Chuzoy, graduated in 2004. Thesis: Hardness of Approximation and New Approximability Classes.
- Dudu Amzallag, in progress, passed candidacy exam (joint with Danny Raz).
- Liane Lewin-Eytan, in progress, passed candidacy exam (joint with Ariel Orda).
- Niv Buchbinder, in progress, passed candidacy exam.
- Roee Engelberg, in progress, passed candidacy exam.
- Gabriel Scalosub, in progress, passed candidacy exam (joint with Adi Rosen).
- Roy Schwartz, in progress.